We are Amber and Bryan Stewart, we have three beautiful daughters, Alexis, Farrah and Hannah. We also have one energized son Levi and one even more energized grandson Aiden.

Pornography addiction almost took our family out through selfishness, pride, sexual immorality and infidelity. It was only after I was caught in my second affair that I realized how deep rooted the pornography addiction really was. I was on the verge of destroying my entire family because of my addiction. This addiction kept me in such bondage with shame and guit. This addiction made me see people as objects  instead of God's beautiful creation. 

My wife put her FULL armor of God on and raised the mighty sword of the spirit up against the enemy and started swinging. She started loving me in the spirit and not just in the flesh. In the flesh she did not like me very much, but she made the CHOICE to see me and love me the way God loves me. 

Because of Amber's commited and faithful prayers and reaching out to others for prayer, I started to feel love from God. Because of that love, I started to seek God more and more. The more I started seeking the more I started changing. James 4:8 says "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts..." I realized that nothing can separate us from the love of God, but I had to make the CHOICE to love Him with everything. I had to surrender ALL!!!! I couldn't say "Lord, you can have my whole heart, but this one little section of lust that I want to control" NO, I had to give God everything!

With obedience and disciple Amber and I are now a renewed, refreshed and restored couple, with a restored family! Our whole family now seeks the comfort and joy that only the Father can provide, and we want to encourage other broken families how to do the same!


About us